July 5, 2020

Medium: Light installation with pegboard, velour, fog machine and sunlight

Dimensions: 3’ x 3’ x 3’

Description: First in my series of at-home small scale prototyping. VR light installation research in my backyard with fog and sunlight.

I was planning my solo light installation show for May 16, 2020, but as we know, all live events became postponed indefinitely re: pandemic. I’ve continued to research my ideas in quarantine, with the purpose of screening speculative pieces for my eventual show.

Inspired by paper architecture models, I created a small scale prototype in my backyard as a proof of concept using sunlight, Home Depot pegboard, black fabric, a rented fog machine. The “installation” was a 3ft cube, which is a fraction of my usual large scale immersives, but since no one can attend my “show” in person (due to social distancing), the size of the piece is irrelevant.

I filmed this WIP footage with my cell phone and 360 camera, and the results were unexpectedly immersive. The focus of this series will be on pre-visualization for a future light show and exploration of digital immersion.


Happy accidents

Accidentally played the flat video of the installation in the Theta 360 viewer.