SIGNAL (2019)

June 23, 2019

Medium: Light installation using Dedolight PB70, Rosco hazers

Dimensions: N/A, filled to fit the venue

Location: LA Plaza Village Apartments in Chinatown, Los Angeles, CA.

Commissioned by: Dopium LA - RE:PURPOSE in conjunction with the LA Design Festival.

Description: A volumetric beam of light symbolizing the yellow signal in traffic, meaning “proceed with caution”, yet also suggesting a potential future climate where artificial suns are necessary, should this warning not be heeded.

The brief of [RE:PURPOSE] centered around the wordplay of "in regards to purpose," in its multiple interpretations. Whether it be examining our personal narratives as artists, questioning the intention behind the materials we chose to give them form, or the sustainability and future lives of those materials in the context of our climate.

My chosen medium in all of my installations have been film lights, selected and repurposed from the same sets I learned to use them on, from my background in production. The film lights are also repurposed in the sense that they are rented and returned to equipment rental houses, to be reused on a different production every day. Lastly, the film lights are also repurposed in their role, from an object that shapes the art end product (he image), to becoming the subject of the art itself.

Special thanks to Kevin Burnstein, Richard Tranley and William Hu.